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Evidence Doesn’t Create Relationship
6. April 2021

People from different social status, eras, nations have witnessed, researched and proven the resurrection of Jesus. 700 years prior, the prophet Jeremiah stated details that God showed him.

The US-Journalist and Atheist Lee Stroblel displayed his search for truth in the movie “The Case for Christ”. Due to the facts he surrendered before God. Despite all evidence, everyone has to decide for himself which truth he wants to believe. Without faith, there is no relationship with God. 

He is not here! He has risen, just as he said he would! Come and see the place where he was lying.

Matthew 28:6

We can ignore him or belittle him but no one can go past Jesus. He is risen. He lives. He is forever. And he will return. After our life on earth, we will be before him. The question will be: “What did you do with my offer?”

What will you say?

Bible text for deepening: Matthew 28:1-20

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