Servant or Deliverer?
11. April. 22

Fired up by Jesus’ entrance in Jerusalem, many Jews were putting false hopes into the idea that Jesus would be a political liberator. The Romans suppressed the people brutally which caused the Zealots, a Jewish liberation army, to plan attacks and fights. They believed that without violence there would never be true liberty and peace.

Jesus was different, served people and delivered them. Lame walked, the blind saw, water turned into wine and two fish and five loaves of bread sufficed to feed more than 5000 men and women. Even wind and weather had to obey. Nevertheless, he did not brag and spoke out sharply against violence. He was the servant of the highest God and Father. 

He concluded God’s silence which lasted for over 400 years and brought spiritual renewal, reconciliation and inner freedom. About 700 years prior, the prophets described the first coming of the Messiah, his birth, his suffering and his second coming as one event. They couldn’t fully grasp God’s perfect plan for salvation as it belongs to the world’s story. If we study the Bible based on our current history, the prophetic connections become more detailed and more recognizable.

I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River[2] to the ends of the earth.

Prophet Zechariah 9, 10

Fact is: God’s plan of salvation with barn, cross, crown are as different as they can be. They belong to Jesus as a person, but take place at different times. The kingdom, which we know of already, is still in the future. He came as a servant to free us from guilt and sin. He was a servant and deliverer. No one will be disappointed if he trusts Jesus.

Bible text to deepen: Isaiah 52:13 -15 / 53:1-12

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