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Are you Disappointed by God?
13. March 2022

It’s evident that, every now and then, we are disappointed by one another. The word means: End of Deception! We project something onto the other person which he/she cannot fulfill or does not want to fulfill. Those who are in love often have high expectations for the other but fortunately in a strong relationship that can be put into perspective.

Depending on our vision of God, we can be disappointed. God is not a wishing well where we throw in money and get out what we want. God is looking for humble people who want to cultivate a real friendship. As the creator he knows our real needs. Those who accept him as a friend, he will certainly lead to the destination. 

The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

Psalm 14:2

Do you want God as your friend? 

Scripture of the Week: Matthew 9:1-8

Do you have questions about God or the Bible? 

This is how you can reach us in written:

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