The Important Invitation
22. May. 22

A man organizes a big party. The servants rush to the invited guests to tell them: “Everything is ready!” No one came. Everyone had an excuse. The king was upset hearing the news and told his servants: “Go and find anyone you can and invite them to our feast, because I want my house to be full.” Those who were invited before did not get a bite. 

What privilege to be invited to God’s feast. Jesus shows his listeners what reality looks like. Everyone is invited to the party but the invited guests have more important things to do. 

When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, ‘Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.’

Luke 14:15

The one who wants to live with Jesus has to decide which priorities he has in life. Especially in a multi-optional society, we have a tendency to leave all options open until the last minute. That doesn’t work with God. He says that we have to decide and that there is something such as  “too late”. That’s not fear mongering but FACT. 

Are you coming to the party? 

Scripture of the Week: Luke 14:15-24 (original version of the analogy)

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