30. October. 22

Our newborn baby lays in the crib. The fact that it is our child creates indescribable love – unconditionally!

Finally the moment when we hold our small, helpless baby in our arms. We decide: “For this little person, we will go to the end of the world.” Why? The newborn can’t do anything to deserve our love. The pain during pregnancy and birth aren’t arousing positive emotions. Why do we have this unconditional love? It is OUR child!

This is exactly what God means when he says: “I have loved you with an everlasting love”

(Jeremia 31:3)

Before we do anything that could impress other people or even God, he awards us with unconditional love!

How do you respond to this love offer? 

 Scripture of the week: 1. John 4:18-21

Do you have questions about God or the Bible?

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