What remains when your successes are forgotten?

You can see the pride in the eyes of the footballer who led his team to victory. Like a coach who leads his team to success, God is our coach who loves us and leads us on the right path. On this page, we give a voice to people who have a personal relationship with God. We believe that God loves you and has a great plan for your life.

Contagious light

The other day I went to the football stadium to watch a game of my favorite club …

Connecting force

Football manages to bring together people from the most diverse continents, nations and cultures …

Religion Football

Crowds flock to the stadium – the football temple. The teams sit in the dressing rooms and put on their

What do you think of the above
Successes most important?


Footballers tell

Contagious light

I recently went to the football stadium to watch a game of my favorite club. During the game, the sun went down and a beautiful dusk covered the sky. In the stands opposite me, I suddenly spotted a fan who had turned on the light of his smartphone in the gathering darkness. It wasn’t long before four, five, more and more lights were suddenly shining. Five minutes later, the whole stadium sparkled like a huge sea of lights.

“I am the light of the world,” Jesus said about himself.

Jesus is the light of the world. He wants to replace the heaviness and darkness in us. He is like that first fan who didn’t hide his light, but shone it brightly in the air, causing thousands of other lights to shine.

Are you also infected by Jesus’ light?

Appropriate Bible text:
John 8:12-20

Connecting force

Football manages to unite people from the most diverse continents, nations and cultures. These days, thousands of people, equipped with their nation’s flag, flock to the stadium to passionately cheer on their team. As different as the cultures, customs and religions of the many people are, in the 90 minutes ahead they will all be united in their focus on football. Everything else seems unimportant and secondary at this moment.

When I see the crowd, where old and young, rich and poor, women and men cheer on their team together full of enthusiasm and emotion, it reminds me of a Bible text in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 7:9-12).

There John describes a vision in which God showed him heaven. He saw a great crowd that no one could count, from every nation on earth. And they stood together before God and worshipped him.

We are all equal before God. Regardless of our origin, our gender or our social status. God personally invites you to be part of this diverse and vibrant crowd.

Will you accept this invitation?

Suitable Bible text:
Revelation 7, 9-12

Religion Football

Crowds flock to the stadium – the “football temple. The teams sit in the dressing rooms and put on their jerseys in the uniform colors. Then finally! – The teams run in onto the “sacred turfwhile the whole stadium rises to its feet and raises its fan scarf to the sky. Everyone sings the anthem fervently – goosebumps.

Sometimes these rituals at a football match remind me of a church service, a kind of substitute religion. People seem to long to be part of something bigger. He wants to identify with something that gives him meaning. As if our heart knows something that remains hidden from our earthly eyes.

So we humans tend to give created things a divine status. Our life, with all our resources, is based on what we have made our highest. So many things can become a kind of religion for us.

Worshipping God means giving him the highest place in our lives. To give it the place it deserves. When God is the axis around which our lives revolve, order, peace and joy come into our hearts.

What’s your highest?

Suitable Bible text:
Ecclesiastes 3:11-14

translated by deepl.com

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