In the Old Testament, the Jewish people had a very different relationship with God than we can have today. Because Adam and Eve turned against God, a rift developed between the people and God. Years later, God made a covenant with the people and gave them rules for his followers to live by. The relationship with God was based on the fact that if they trusted God, things would go well for them.
Despite God’s promises and covenant, they found it difficult to trust him and to follow the rules. But regardless of the mistakes they made, God always loved his people and he wanted to make things right with them. That is why God sent his son Jesus to earth, a human who took the punishment on the cross that the people deserved.
God’s covenant for life today is:
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9
You may not yet have a relationship with Jesus, but know that he loves you. Do you know how you can enter a relationship with God?
You can find explanations at
Applicable Bible text: Romans 10:1-13