I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
Luke 1:38
Corrie ten Boom, who helped save many Jewish people in Holland during the Holocaust, once described salvation as a “first YES to Jesus.”
Mary, the mother of Jesus, had already said her first YES to God before an angel, a messenger from God, appeared turning her life upside down. This subsequent YES to God’s plan came from a heart that trusted her Lord.
This illegitimate pregnancy could have caused major issues, including the possible loss of her marriage to her fiancé, Joseph. But Mary rejoiced in what she considered the greatest honour that could ever be bestowed on a woman: to be the mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world! She trusted that God, who had chosen her, would also be with her and make a way for her. She could continue to say YES to Him without fear.
What about you? Have you already said your first YES to Jesus? Jesus – the one who knows exactly how it is to grow up on this earth – invites you to give him your trust. Is there something that is holding you back? You can tell him.
Bible text: Luke 1:26-38