Does Faith Make a Person Neutral?
18. June. 23

My faith is a private matter. Somehow I’m able to manage this. I remain neutral because my motto is: “Do the right thing, and don’t offend anyone.” Is it possible to take a neutral stance with respect to Jesus?

Jesus says: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”

Matthew 12:30

In his statements, Jesus is very clear and not able to be misunderstood. Whoever encounters him is forced to choose a side—either for or against him. Not making a decision is also a decision. Whoever wants to live with him cannot remain neutral. It’s possible to compare it with a train that’s approaching a turnout. There’s no neutral position. The switch that is set is what steers the train in the corresponding direction. Now it’s your chance to set the switch for or against Jesus. Remaining neutral isn’t an option with him.

Which path are you going to choose?

Bible Passage: Matthew 12:22-31

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