Doubters and Scaredy-Cats
10. April. 23

What privilege the disciples had who were with Jesus for 3 years and experienced the most amazing things. Walking on water, feeding thousands with a bit of bread and fish, blind could see, lame walk and the dead arose! Wasn’t it enough to prove that he was the promised Messiah?

Seemingly most of that was done away with through the crucifixion. The disciples paniced! So when they were accused of having stolen the body, they were desperate! They didn’t believe the women’s report who told them that Jesus was risen!

Then Jesus revealed himself “Peace be with you!” Touch me, give me something to eat and finally believe that it is me!” There is no better poof than the one that Jesus met his disciples multiple times. He encouraged the doubters and scaredy-cats!

Look at my hands and my feet. It is I, myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.

Luke 24:39

Why do we need more proof?

Bible passage: Luke 24:33-49

Death, Where is Your Victory?

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  • 27. October 2024

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