His Goal was Success
24. July. 23

Actually, he has everything he needs. He has good food to eat, he can pay his bills, and he is happy with his job. His health is good, his relationship is satisfying, and his life is far from boring.

But wouldn’t more be better? Actually, yes. More money provides more security. A higher position leads to more respect and power, and it provides better for old age. This is why it’s time to further his education, and his promotion comes next.

His dedication and success are impressive. The finances wonderfully meet his expectations, but his hunger for success is still not satisfied.

Unexpectedly he passes away. His obituary states: “It was much to early for him to leave us.”

Was he wise in the eyes of God?

Bible Passage: Luke 12:13-34

‘This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich towards God.’ 

Luke 12:21

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