How do we deal with each other?
26. June. 22

Frustration and injustice often trigger massive reactions. Anger often erupts in street fights. In combination with social media, everything acts like a global accelerant. Instead of keeping a cool head or forgiving each other, everyone tweets against everyone else. Often, “self-appointed watchdogs” heat up the mood even more and exploit events in their own favor.

Jesus speaks of the beam in one’s own eye and the splinter that we try to take out of the other’s. I treat my neighbor differently than I treat myself. Therefore, Jesus encourages us to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. If Jesus reigns in us, we want to learn to love our enemies.

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them

Matthew 7:12a from the Bible

How do you deal with people who annoy you?

appropriate bible text: Matthew 7:1-12a

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