Is patience worth it?
20. August. 23

My alarm clock is going off endlessly. Half awake, the harsh reality is getting to me! I want to return to the world of dreams as quickly as possible. Sleepy, unmotivated and with tiny little eyes I drag myself to the bathroom… – sounds familiar?

For over two years this was my morning routine. Every day, I fought against my negative thoughts. I wanted to defeat them.

During that time, I felt completely out of place at work. – When I laid out my dilemma before God, I experienced His help. In retrospect, I can see His wonderful plan in it.

Being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

Colossians 1:11

Are you currently living in a similar situation? Do you feel you are in the wrong place? – Is it perhaps a period in life when you can learn something important? Trust your Creator. He knows you intimately.

At the right moment, he will show you the next step. Remain patient in his presence. He will reward you for it daily with new strength.

How are you doing with patience?

Relevant Scripture: Colossians 1:1-14

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