Is there Hope?
18. April. 22

With the crucifixion, the Romans destroyed all hope in the roundabout 33 year old Jesus who healed the sick. Why did they kill him without reason or mercy? This was the topic two men discussed on their way to Emmaus. A foreigner who asked some questions met up with them. It seemed like he didn’t know anything about the events of the past days. Nevertheless, he taught them that everything had to happen exactly like it was written in the Holy Scriptures. The discussion was so engaging that they invited the guest for supper. When the “stranger” said grace and broke the bread, they recognized the resurrected Jesus in him. He disappeared in the same movement. They said to each other: “Didn’t we feel in our hearts how his explanations touched us?”

 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” 40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet.

Luke 24:39-40

Shortly after, Jesus encountered the disciples who sat behind locked doors. “Peace be with you!” He showed his pierced feet and hands to the shocked men and sat with them. Patiently, he explained from scripture that he was the promised Saviour. Jesus the hope stood real, touchable in their midst. He lives, he is there, he is tangible even today.

Just like the disciples had to learn a lot so do we today. They had seen Jesus and lived with him. We can get to know him through the Bible and if we believe in him, we can experience a personal relationship. We can talk to him in prayer. He responds and works in our lives since he offers exactly this way of faith and trust. Even though they could see and hear him, many did not believe anyway. It therefore doesn’t matter if we see him or not. To believe means to hope without already seeing. It is a privilege to grow into a true, deep relationship with him. 

Do you want a personal, hopeful relationship with Jesus?

Bible text for deepening: Luke 24, 13-49

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