Just Trust the Algorithms?
25. June. 23

Without robotics and complex computer programs, we would not be able to continue to develop new technologies and systems in our modern society. The room-filling accounting systems of the 1980s were considerably more limited than our smartphones, which fit in every pants pocket. We are not far away from trusting the digitalization and its algorithms more than our own judgment. Why is this the case?

Could it be that we have forgotten the degree of intelligence and omnipotence with which God created our gigantic solar system?

Additionally, he created a perfect ecosystem with a diversity of species and plants, which are more beautiful than one could possibly imagine. As the “crowning” of his creation, he created humans, to whom he so carefully entrusted everything. Unfortunately, it is evident today that over the past decades we have exploited and polluted our world more than ever before.

What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

Psalm 8:4-5

What is actually holding us back from placing our entire trust in this superior God?

Bible Passage: Psalm 8:1-10

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