Life on the Edge
12. May. 24

Many overfill their already full calendars. The already horrendous pace is further increased through this. Both family and others around them usually have to put up with this whether they want to or not. It often brings relationships, which require more time for each other, to a breaking point. Constant pressure often makes one sick to the point where nothing else is possible. What happens then?

But we get to decide if we want to live our lives in the fast lane or if we want to discover it to simply be a wonderful gift from God.

My times are in your hands.

Psalm 31:16

It’s worth it to set new priorities because your time is in God’s hands. 

Jesus spent a lot of time in prayer with his Father in heaven before he did anything else. In this way he could quickly recognize what was important and didn’t let other people manipulate him. This is how he has made the biggest difference in the world which still impacts the world today.

How does looking to God transform your priorities?

Applicable Bible text: Psalm 31:6-24

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