Light of the World
18. December. 22

The religious leaders were upset. Jesus, born in a barn, claims as an adult and teacher to be the light of the world. If the educated elite would have studied their scriptures carefully they would have found that the father, son and holy spirit were present / even during the creation of the world. Isaiah prophesied the light hundreds of years prior. This light of the world has publicly made the blind see.

It is a fact that Jesus is no less than the light of the world. No one besides him has done miracles like this! He even woke the dead and rose three days after his own death. He showed that he conquered death! That was the ultimate proof: I am truly the light of the world!

Jesus says in John 8:12: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

What do you think about the “light of the world”?

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