think about it

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

Luke 2:19

Mary had just given birth to a child. Jesus, the promised Messiah and Savior, lays before her in a manger. Rejoicing angels announced to the shepherds nearby the joy of God of the birth of his only Son. They hurried to see the newborn Savior. But Mary – in the midst of the excitement and celebration – kept a quiet heart. She thought and marveled at all that was said about the child who was under her and Joseph’s protection and care.

Twelve years later, Mary and Joseph thought they had lost Jesus when they were on their way home after a religious holiday in Jerusalem. When they finally found him in the temple, he explained to them that he must be in his father’s house. And once again:

But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.

Luke 2:51

How is your heart responding to this Christmas season? Can you slow down a little in the midst of the Christmas festivities? Take time today, like Mary, to reflect, to wonder, and to encounter Jesus.

Bible text: Luke 2:1-21

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