The Human–Monkey Myth
03. September. 23

In 1927, the Russian biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov began with his attempts to inseminate chimpanzees with sperms from humans and vice versa. The “experiment” failed miserably, but the myth was born. Without any legal basis, scientists “fumble around” unflinchingly. This raises far-reaching, ethical questions: Who has such a great interest in performing and financing such expensive experiments?

Why has it become socially acceptable to play around with genetic material? Are we still on the trip to prove to the Creator that he really doesn’t exist by messing around with his inventions? We want to produce life, but we’re not able to do it. We long to be like God, just like the first humans did! God knows that our deepest needs can only really be satisfied by the Holy Spirit. His Son Jesus Christ gave everything for us. It’s only through him that we can enjoy abundant life.

Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

1 John 5:12

What is your relationship with God like?

Relevant Scripture: 1 John 5:6-15

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