When I get excited about something, I tell everyone around me about it. It has a ripple effect, and over time others also become interested in it. Companies look for successful influencers with the biggest fan clubs. These people are paid well to promote their products.
A life that is filled with Christ has a visible effect. The Bible speaks of the fruit which comes forth. It even tells of a spring of living water, which flows out. Whoever follows Jesus doesn’t just connect with an influencer. It’s not about joining a fan club or belonging to an organization.
Whoever follows Christ surrenders his self-fulfilling demands. He entrusts himself to the wonderful plan of God who created him. One’s own plans can give a sense of fulfillment. Anyone who wants to follow God’s will can experience a divine dimension that fills his heart.
What are you telling others about?
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34b
Relevant Scripture: Luke 6:43-45