What’s making her happy?
30. April. 23

A bit surprised, I read the following ad-text of a supplementary pension provider: “Happy are those who can look back in the face of death and die with fulfillment.” Select pictures show beautiful life situations. Of course, wonderful moments create joy.

What fulfills us deeply?

The only one who really knows what we can expect after death is Jesus. He came from heaven to us and showed us how God is. His sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection broke the power of sin and death that keep us hostage. Everyone who trusts Jesus and accepts him as their personal Lord belongs to God’s family. They are written in the “Book of Life”. They know deeply that they are part of God’s new world.

Those who reach out to be close to God find happiness, inner fulfillment and can’t keep it to themselves.

But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

Psalm 73:28

What are you reaching for?

Bible Passage: Psalm 73:1-28

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