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The Happy Servant
10. January 2021

A very poor family had a servant who worked from early morning to late at night for room and board and the, at that time, customary 20 Swiss Rappen (like cents). 

The servant went to church weekly. Therefore, he kept 5 Rappen to donate on Sunday. He always reflected huge gratefulness, because God gave him what he needed to live. 

Hundreds of years later, we discuss the new poverty and outrageous salaries at the same time. The servant understood a lot about God’s principles of the heavenly riches. Our prosperity and insatiable greed have taken our desperately required, healthy sense for relations.

Jesus pointed out a window who couldn’t give a lot in donations to his disciples: “She has given more than everyone else. They only gave something from their wealth. She gave what she truly needed to sustain herself.”

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.

Mark 12:43

How generous are you?

Scripture of the week: Mark 12: 41-44

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