True Love
04. September. 22

Dawson Trotman was thrown out of a friend’s sports boat. A passenger who couldn’t swim as well. Dawson rescued the woman, but all help came too late for him. This man sacrificed his life for a person who he didn’t know. His love for people came from a deep relationship with Jesus. This source of strength made him the personality he was who authentically and contagiously lived his faith. 

True love moves people because it does not seek its own advantage. Jesus embodies true love. He sacrificed himself out of unconditional love for us. Those who accept his forgiveness and live with him are reconciled with God. 

What do you think about Jesus’ unlimited love. 

Scripture of the week: 1. John 4:7-21
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True Love

Dawson Trotman was thrown out of a friend’s sports boat. A passenger who couldn’t swim as well....

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