Jesus the Lamb of God Who Carried the Sin Of The World
08. April. 23

Globally, we are making big efforts to appease war, to fight hunger and to save broken relationships….

Plans to solve these problems and to make peace couldn’t be any more controversial.
God’s peace plan is his only son Jesus! He paid with his life so we can have a chance to have a real relationship with God. Healing and reconciliation has to occur deeply in our heart and in our thoughts. All other approaches are superficial and unsustainable.

Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice that died out of his own free will so all our sin is extinguished. This does not happen automatically. It requires turning to him and accepting this gift.

Jesus did not only die, but he was also resurrected! He lives! Therefore we can reestablish our relationship with God and heal it forever!

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Corinthians 5:15

How do you handle Jesus’ gift to you?

Bible passage: Matthew 26-28

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