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Life After Life
14. May 2023

I love fantasy novels. As a child I devoured novels like “Narnia” or “Lord of the Rings” immersing myself into a world full of wonder and fantasy. My heart beat faster and dreams took shape.

As Christians, we have a book that, in parts, seems like a fantasy novel. When the Bible talks about the life after death or the life after this life, it seems to me like a fairytale world.

The certainty that I will see this world one day comes from Jesus. He opened the path to God. You have the option to claim life after this life, too. Confess your sins to Jesus and trust him fully.

I am excited like a child about what’s to come: life after life. How is it for you, are you scared of it?

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Luke 6:20b

Get in touch with your questions and concerns.

Bible Passage: Luke 6:20-26

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