In life, we try to satisfy a deep need. We want to belong to a family, a group, a club, or to a certain ethnic group. This gives us a sense of identity and security. God himself has put this desire inside of us. Sin has separated us from God and brought us into Satan’s domain. Jesus Christ, the promised Savior, came into the world in order to make reconciliation with God possible. Everyone who believes and trusts in him receives the right to be accepted into God’s heavenly family (John 1:12).
This trust in biblical promises gives us a certainty, a deep security, that has nothing to do with arrogance. Through his Spirit, God himself puts an inner conviction in our hearts. This new belonging is more than simply a feeling. It is a completely new identity in Christ! Followers of Jesus let themselves be led by the Holy Spirit because they are children of God and therefore they have eternal life!
Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.
1 John 5:1
What gives you the assurance that you belong to God’s family?
Relevant Scripture: Romans 8:1-17