25. August. 24

We live in a fast-paced world. Everything is spinning and moving. We are bombarded with hundreds of pieces of information every day. We are constantly busy and if we ever have free time there are plenty of things we can fill that time with

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

 Psalm 23:6

In this psalm, David writes about staying.. God is the house in which he wants to stay. In a world full of instability and change this is his place of refuge. With God there is no stress and no instability. 

Where do you go in the midst of the turmoil of your everyday life? God invites you to come to his house. This does not mean an earthly building, but entering into a relationship with God.  There you will find peace, tranquility and love. Instead of being driven by your circumstances, you can learn to live out of his peace. 

Have you forgotten how to rest?

Applicable Bible text: Psalm 91

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