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The Perfect Line
7. January 2024

Ted Ligerty is a retired, extremely successful American ski racer. Today he can be proud to have been an Olympic champion, World champion, and World Cup champion many times over. The fascinating thing about his skiing style was that, in contrast to his competitors, he hardly ever touched one of the gates. The other ski racers’ runs often looked better and more precise at first glance. However, Ted possessed the skill of letting the skis glide to generate a high speed. His opponents often clutched too much to the line and forgot the most important thing as a result.

We are often most concerned that our life looks good on the outside. What people think of us is really important to us. Like a skier keeping to a line, we cling too much to external things and formalities and thereby lose sight of our goal.

Jesus says: “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

John 14:6

Life with Jesus doesn’t always look meaningful or attractive. Yet a relationship with him is the meaning of life, the perfect line, that brings us successfully to our goal.

Are you able to let your skis glide?

Relevant Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12

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