Acceptance: the Key to Harmony
29. December. 24

Where do I feel happy? Wherever I can be myself, without having to bend over backwards to please someone else.

In early Rome there were disagreements between Christians of different cultural backgrounds, which led to divisions. Paul challenges me to accept one another, even if we’re different.

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God.”

Romans 15:7

This challenge is more relevant than ever before. Conflicts and divisions are ever present in society. Acceptance doesn’t only mean tolerance, but also God’s specific intervention, which offers us protection and comfort. The way God accepts us is the way we should accept one another.

The artist Stefanie Bahlinger illustrates this with a patchwork rug, which combines various materials and patterns. This rug symbolizes the colorful and diverse fellowship of Christians worldwide. The seams are visible and often crooked, but they connect the pieces and create an overall picture.

The text from Romans makes this very clear. At the same time, it points out what the goal actually is. Our fellowship should be just like this: open, diverse, and connected through Christ. Since Jesus accepts you, acceptance despite differences is possible.

How do you experience fellowship in your life, and what does it mean to you?

Applicable Bible text: Ephesians 4:2-3

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