As white as snow
10. November. 24

It’s November, the air is chilly and the first snow has already fallen in the mountains. On a gorgeous day, the mountains look different now, newly clothed, somehow pure.

‘Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow’

Psalm 51:7

David, the king of Israel, turned to God with this request around 1000 BC. 

Just as we cannot force the first snow ourselves, we cannot work for a pure heart ourselves. ‘We are all born in sin’, we read in the same Psalm. Sin is comparable to a wound that we cannot heal ourselves. 

But God is merciful. Just as he always cloaks the mountains with new snow, he mercifully stretches out his hand to make you clean. Jesus gave his life on the cross so that the wounds you cannot heal yourself can be healed again. 

Will you let God heal your heart?

Applicable Bible text: 1 John 1:7-9

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