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extremely close

extremely close

That God becomes man is actually completely absurd.

But it becomes even more absurd when we consider that in Jesus, God not only became man, but was even born as a baby. The almighty God who made heaven and earth came into the world as a completely helpless infant dependent on his parents.

For the seekers of truth from the East, gods have always been strong protectors of humanity. This radical reversal of roles must have been a shock to them. Suddenly, it is no longer God who provides for mankind, but mankind who provides for God, in the guise of a little baby. But they were not disappointed at all. The closeness with which God shows himself is so overwhelming for them that they immediately worship the little Jesus and give him a royal welcome.

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11

With this intimate closeness, Jesus still meets us today through his Holy Spirit. The wise men from the East cannot react to this in any other way than with adoration, gratitude and gifts.

How do you react to the closeness with which Jesus wants to meet you?

faith pays off

faith pays off

It’s not difficult to make a decision when all the facts are known. Hence, it is not difficult for us to believe something if we can verify it. But unfortunately, that’s not always possible. The truth of some statements, signs or indications remains hidden from us. In such cases, we must take a leap of faith and believe one thing or the other.

This is also experienced by the truth seekers who see the sign of Jesus’ birth in the sky. They cannot immediately check whether they have understood those signs correctly. They take a leap of faith and decide to see the star as a sign of God. Also, during their long journey to Bethlehem, they can only hope that they have made the right decision.

When they saw the star[in Bethlehem], they were overjoyed.

Matthew 2:10

In relation to God, we often have to take that leap of faith. Like the truth seekers, we cannot immediately verify whether we have correctly understood the signs of God and that it is indeed God who is showing Himself to us. But the greater will be the joy when one day our faith proves to be true.

Do you also dare to take this leap?

God shows himself

God shows himself

If God exists, why doesn’t he show himself? I believe that this well-known question already contains the answer the way it is asked.

2030 years ago, a group of highly educated truth seekers of the old Orient recognized a strange star formation: Jupiter, the “king star”, and Saturn, the “star of the Jews”, met. In this phenomenon, which in the eyes of most rational scientists, these men recognize a clear sign from God: In Israel the Messiah, the king and God of the Jews, has been born.

In fact, they are so sure of this that they immediately set out on a long journey to meet this God and King – and it pays off.

Whether we recognize God often depends on whether we perceive his indications as such. The assumption that God would not show himself to us is already preceded by the belief that it would never happen – and this assumption can block our view of God.

Could it be that God showed himself to you the other day, but you only interpreted this as a random phenomenon?

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him”

Matthew 2:2