God says in Jeremiah 31:3: “I have loved you with an everlasting love”
Everlasting, what does that mean? From the beginning, always, even before you were born and forever, forever, … God’s love is constant!
When we love someone very deeply, we long for that person. We want to share our time with this person, we want fellowship, preferably every day, every hour, always. This love has a beginning, it starts and it grows.
It’s different with God. He loves always and forever! Jesus says in the New Testament that he is love. What a powerful love that is! God has always loved and he can’t help but love because he is love itself, it is his essence. Imagine that! That’s why you are the focus of his love.
Jesus once asked Peter: “Do you love me?” Peter replied: “Yes, I love you!”
What is your answer to Jesus’ question?
Practical tip: Write the following sentence on your bathroom mirror: “Here you see a person whom God always and forever loves.
Applicable Bible text: John 21:15-17