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In the middle of the market, someone calls, “Come to me, who is thirsty. Come and buy! You don’t have to pay. Those who drink regular water will soon be thirsty again, but those who drink my water will never have thirst again!  What you buz with the money you earn will not truly feed you. Come to me, and you will live!” Jesus refers to the prophet Isaiah (55:1) and invites everyone to trust him. Thus he claims that he is the messenger of God and the expected Redeemer. Whoever places his trust in him gets eternal life and now belongs to God’s family. And even more: After his return to heaven (= ascension) Jesus sends the Holy Spirit as his representative, as advocate and guarantor of eternal life. Thus divine power comes into the life of his followers. The liberating gospel flows like a never-ending spring into the whole world. Those who follow Jesus enjoy the refreshing “water of life”.

What do you think about the spring that Jesus is talking about? Do you drink from this spring?

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”

Said Jesus in John 7:37

Weekly text: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21