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God loves me, but what does that even mean?
2. August 2020

After extinguishing a large forest fire, a firefighter found a charred lump on the ground.  He later identified this charred lump as the remains of a bird. He was surprised that the bird had not chosen to fly away and escaped the fire in time. The man overturned the bird and four small squeaking babies were underneath. The firefighter suspected that the mother knew that her babies had no chance to fly away and wouldn’t have survived in the fire alone. So, instead of leaving them, she stretched her wings over her young and let herself be burned by the fire. A mother’s love is a powerful thing. 

God knows that, like the young birds in the forest fire, we are helpless and lost in our lives. He decided to come to us and save us. God gave his one and only Son Jesus Christ, who paid for our sins by death on the cross. That is why, like those birds, whoever accepts his offer is saved forever!

“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.”

1 John 4:9

How is God’s love visible in your life?

Weekly text: 1 John 4:7-21

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