Many different people attend a Christmas church service. Maybe you do too? Do you go just because it’s the thing to do, because it’s expected of you? Or do you go based on your convictions?
There’s a story in the Bible about two completely different men. They both go into the temple.
One of them goes there because he wants to please God. He knows all of God’s commandments, and they are very important to him. He prays regularly.
The second man is very different. He feels guilty. Maybe he doesn’t live an honest life; maybe he is a swindler. As a result, he calls himself a sinner! What is God’s opinion of the two men?
The first is proud and pleased with himself. The second is broken and humble. Before God, all people are sinners. No one is perfect. The second one recognized this. He knows that he needs God’s help and forgiveness. That’s why he prays: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
God loves repentant sinners! Everyone can come to him. You too.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Relevant Scripture: Luke 18: 9-17