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Log or Splinter
16. July 2023

This really interesting scripture by Jesus is totally up to date. Daily situations show that we have an issue with self reflection. Most of the time, we see faults in others quicker than in ourselves. To say it differently, we like to play down our weaknesses while highlighting the ones of those who dared to step on our toes. It is not easy or pleasant  to look in the mirror, but it is worth it. 

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Matthew 7:3

We encourage you to read the Bible which is the mirror for our souls. When we allow God’s word to unfold and endure its power, a healing change process can be started. Let’s give those words the room and let’s discover our log. For us the only task that remains is to solve issues in truth and with God’s help. You might need professional help! It is healthy to accept your limitations. To do so, you need honesty and humility. This way, we learn to accept fellow man the way he is. 

How do you deal with your log? 

Relevant scripture: Matthew 7:1-9

How Everything Declined

There are various “red lines” throughout the Bible such as the term “salvation”. God views us as creatures that need...

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