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How Can I…
16. November 2020

… be prepared for death? If you research the internet about this question, you will find the most mind boggling opinions, but also practical and important advice. The possibility that we can come to terms with God and fellow man is almost forgotten. It is a very important decision for our Here and Now but especially for our future. 

To prepare oneself for death means to live in peace with oneself, God and other people. Many take unresolved situations to their graves without ever solving them beforehand. The Bible gives us in Ephesians 4:26 some wise advice: “Do not commit a sin when you are angry! Reconcile and do not allow the sun to set over your anger.” The one who reconciles with God and those around him and lives according to this principle is on the way to see God. Here you can read the steps to a reconciled life with God. 

So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12

Text of the week: Luke 16:19-31

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