Hopelessly Addicted to Drugs
21. October. 22

Hope is something that everyone is looking for today. Yet it’s often difficult for us to put the meaning of ‘hope’ into words. Actually, it’s easier for us to describe hopelessness.

I went through a state of personal and total hopelessness after eight years of drug addiction and heroin dependence. I tried to break out of these chains through withdrawal and some pseudo-piety. But my attempts failed miserably, and I fell back again into heroin dependency. I had failed yet again.

I told myself, “You’ll never make it.” I looked around. Several of my drug-addicted friends had died in the meantime; others had lost it and had ended up in the hospital; and still others had become disfigured or even crippled due to a drug-related accident. No one had anymore hope—no one saw any light. And no one from the outside world gave us hopeful input. Ours was a dark, cold, merciless world! Where is there any hope still to be found?

I knew God, and I asked Him to help me. Hope arose again. God’s light drove away the hopelessness. His love began to slowly change me. God sent people my way to encourage me. Jesus gradually set me free from the swamp of drugs and hopelessness. I still have problems to deal with. I’m not living in some sort of fantasy, but I know that Jesus is my hope. He is my hope in everyday life, in my family, and at work. Jesus has become my friend and companion. He is not simply a crutch, but rather the support of my life. This is also my wish for you.

Harry Pepelnar

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