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Driven by fear
23. November 2020

A few years ago, Pensa University in Russia studied children’s fears. They interviewed three types of children: Those who grew up in their own family, orphans in orphanages and children who were adopted or lived in foster homes. It turned out that children who lived with their parents suffered the least from irrational fears and phobia. Children in orphanages were unproportionally scared of being alone, foreigners, nightmares and forces of nature. Adopted children showed a tendency of reduced fear and towards a healthy development. 

The Bible tells us that God ‘adopts’ everyone who decides to lead a life with him. He makes us to be his legal children. The fears that were part of our life without God can get smaller as we grow closer to the Father. He conquered the world. That’s why he can protect us. In his presence, we can get rid of our fears!

“In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

says Jesus in John 16:33b

Text of the week: John 16:25-33

How does fear impact your decisions? 

extremely close

That God becomes man is actually completely absurd. But it becomes even more absurd when we consider that in Jesus,...

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