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Free from Debt
14. June 2020

The apostle Paul never ceased to stress the power of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as our Redeemer. Those who turn to Jesus receive complete and total forgiveness for their sins. Jesus helps to free them from their sinful habits and constraints, cleanses their conscience, and gives them a living hope and eternal life. When people accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, this is a crucial turning point in their lives.  Arguably the most important day of their lives. All of their guilt against God has been taken away, all of Satan’s claims on them have been taken away, and any chains holding them down have been destroyed. How? Jesus. He defeated the creator of sin and deceiver of men on the cross through purity, humility, and absolute love. Through this act, he received his place on the throne in heaven from his Father. Jesus is Lord over all powers and authorities.  God’s goodness, mercy and riches is revealed through Jesus Christ. Therefore, stay in close contact with him. Get up again when you fall down and allow him to cleanse you! He loves you!

He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.

Colossians 2:14

How do you pay off debt?

Weekly text: Ephesians 1:3-14

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