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God in the first-aid kit
8. March 2020

Recently, a child was injured at my workplace. It was nothing serious – just a small cut on his hand. Yet, this child cried his lungs out. Promptly, our first-aid kit was brought over, and his wound was bandaged. Thankfully, the child quickly calmed down as he sat on his mother’s lap.  

Yes, a first-aid kit is helpful, especially in an emergency. But, do we only turn to God when we need first-aid? No, He belongs in every part of our lives, not just in emergencies. He wants to  be by our side always; in emergencies and the regular day to day aspects. He wants to be our friend and our helper.  

God is not there just to be part of your first-aid kit. He wants to accompany us, to be there with us: daily, hourly, always. He is a friend and a helper – let him into your life, not just in the emergencies.. since, by that point, it could already be too late.

Do you reach out to God only in emergencies? If yes, how can you change that and let him into every part of your life?

“Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.“

Psalm 73:25

What place do you give God?

Weekly text: Psalm 73:21-28

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