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How Everything Declined
18. April 2021

There are various “red lines” throughout the Bible such as the term “salvation”. God views us as creatures that need to be saved. We do not like this description since we believe that we can help ourselves. The daily negative news shows, however, that since we broke with God, we are able to do everything evil. According to the Bible, there was so much wrongdoing in the centuries after Adam and Eve that God gave the “flood” as an awful judgement. 

Huge bodies of water flooded the planet and destroyed everything. However, before that, God started a rescue mission. He ordered Noah to build an Ark to rescue men and animals for the future. People laughed about Noah and his huge ark which he built for 20 years. Before God sent the flood, he closed the doors of the ark himself. 

But the Lord was pleased with Noah.

Genesis 6:8

Conclusion: The offer is for everyone! Those who decline will be judged.

Do you say yes to God’s offer?

Bible text for deepening: Matthew 24:37-39

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