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How I can get rid of my worries
17. October 2021

Over and over again existential fears tortured me! They were always there so I started to worry about my work, finances, the apartment, food, the family… God’s possibilities grew fainter and fainter. 

My worries were weighing me down more and more and threatened to take my breath. I spread my negative mood. I wasn’t well at all! I had to decide to deal with my problem honestly. I sought a conversation with an experienced councillor. Then I did the following: 

I put down my worries in prayer just like the Bible tells us.

I recalibrated my life towards Jesus and took his help.

When worries wanted to come back, I sent them away. 

I clung to Jesus and the Bible. 

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Talk to Jesus freely just like you talk to your best friend and give him the right to intervene. Study the weekly scripture in prayer. Write to us and we will find biblical answers together. 

Scripture of the week: Matthew 6:24-34 

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