How to get peace instead of stress
15. December. 24

Maybe you’re tired from all the Christmas stress of the last few days? How did Mary and Joseph feel after their long journey on foot and on a donkey? Surely, they were both exhausted, and Mary was heavily pregnant on top of it all. How happy they  would probably have been to find a room in a cozy inn. They searched in vain for a long time until they finally found room in a stable for animals. Maria gave birth to her first baby on hay and straw …

What touches you during this Advent season? Are you looking for peace and rest during these days? The Son of God, Jesus, offers us more than rest.

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’

Matthew 11:28

This is God’s good news of Christmas! He offers you rest, not just for your body, but for your soul. We wish you this divine peace today and for your future.

Applicable Bible text: Luke 2:14

Are you ready?

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