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Jesus’ Church
24. October 2021

The happy and spirited Christians met regularly for services. They gathered in homes as they were excluded from Synagogues. God’s story lived through the communion of believers. 

A mix of men, women, employees and entrepreneurs, foreigners and citizens were reading God’s word, praying, singing and celebrating the Lord’s Supper. They shared their lives with each other. God did miracles among them. Their reach was so large that thousands joined the community. 

Throughout the centuries, there were sick, negative developments which didn’t have anything to do with the original cause. Over and over, God used people to put the topics of reconciliation and relationship into the focus. Even today there are believers who pray to Jesus in the Holy Spirit and do not differentiate between people. God wants us to live in community. 

There is no Jew or Greek. There is no slave or free person. There is no male or female. Because you belong to Christ Jesus, you are all one.

Galates 3:28

We are more than happy to help you find Christians near you. 

Scripture of the week: Acts 2:42-47

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