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Jesus, the biggest love-story
22. August 2021

The music scene is full of love-texts. Our heart longs for love. Because he loves us, God gave his only son into the world. Generations waited in trust for God’s commitment. In God’s time, the Saviour was born, a helpless child, human like we are. 

God becoming human in Jesus is a critical point in God’s story with us. The Almighty comes down from the heavens and becomes needy and vulnerable just like us. In his family-tree, we find a number of people. There are Israelits and foreigners, successful and losers, men and women of various reputations. He wasn’t embarrassed because of it. Jesus experienced being human with all its facets. 

But then the right time came. God sent his Son. A woman gave birth to him. He was born under the authority of the law.

Galates 4:4

In Jesus, God shows us the way he is: Pure love. They nailed Jesus to the cross where he gave his life for our salvation. 

Scripture of the week: Philippians 2:5-11

Life After Life

I love fantasy novels. As a child I devoured novels like “Narnia” or “Lord of the Rings” immersing myself into a world...

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