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Love Drives Out Fear
13. September 2020

Terror, violence, bullying, volcanoes, earthquakes, forest fires, floods, cancer, CO2, plastic waste… so many things can cause us fear. This remains unresolved, especially when we idolize the “good old days” or escape into the digital age.

Little Amanda ran in panic into the arms of her father when she saw a good-natured bernese mountain dog. Recently she had had a traumatic encounter with another dog, causing her to have a fear of all dogs. Her father took this time to teach and show her, while she was in the protection of his arms, that there was nothing to be scared of.  In the arms of her father she slowly learnt how to overcome her trauma and fear. The father, played a central role in this important learning process for Amanda. 

In the same way, our Father in heaven knows us very well. In his arms we can take refuge and find strength. In communion with him we learn to understand and overcome fears. In the Bible we find over 30 answers to overcome fear, and over 145 verses telling us to not fear. For example, Isaiah 41:10 “Do not be afraid, I am with you; do not yield, for I am your God. I strengthen you, I also help you, I hold you by the right hand of my righteousness”.

Fear is real. It will come our way throughout our lives, but we can find rest and strength in God. We can learn to live fearlessly in the Father’s arms.

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

said Jesus in John 16:33

Where do you go with your fear?

Weekly text: John 16:29-33

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