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Relationship or Vitamin B
17. May 2020

Isn’t it refreshing to sit with a good friend and to share life together? To learn from them and walk together through the good and the bad.  It is equally precious to be encouraged by them to take up a challenge or to be called back to reconsider if the path you’ve chosen to take is the best one. A friend gives their best for you. Through healthy relationships we flourish, discover our potential, are refined and move forward. We are social beings who are created to have contact with one another. Without community our hearts wither up on the inside, whether we realize it or not. Our Creator has made our souls to live in relationships, with him and with others. He wants to shape us through other people and himself. This is his gift of love to us. Jesus has shown true community to us by choosing disciples to walk through life with him. He even tells us that when two or three gather together as his followers, he is there among them. (Matthew 18:20) That is powerful and something not to be taken for granted! When God’s people come together, he is among them … the creator of the whole universe is among them.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”

Genesis 2:18

How do you cultivate relationships? How do you experience friendships? Is God at the center of it?

Weekly text: 1 Samuel 18:1-5

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