Throughout the ages, greed has never been either eradicated or satisfied. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor, and between North and South keeps increasing. Huge salaries are paid out despite protests, even if it means that the weak are the ones “paying” for this. The unfair accumulation of wealth damages our souls.
Is it wrong to earn money honestly? No! Greed is also at home in slums. The real issue is the self-serving greed for more money and power. This predisposition is deep-seated in our hearts. It is not immediately apparent in each one of us.
What does the Bible mean by “losing one’s life”? Jesus voluntarily paid the price for the destructive sin in us with His own life. He relinquished his own desires and served his Father with complete devotion. Whoever follows Jesus and accepts his reconciliation, receives forgiveness and with it also healing and deliverance. With him you gain new, eternal life, which desires eternal, everlasting values.
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Matthew 16:26
What are you focusing on?
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:19-26