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Hope Transforms Situations
22. October 2023

Jericho had a pleasant climate in the winter. The springs of fresh water made it into a large, thriving oasis-city. The most important trade routes passed right through Jericho.

Hundreds of pilgrims and merchants were traveling every day. Jericho’s toll station was an absolute gold mine. Anyone who could afford it lived in Jericho.

This is exactly where Zacchaeus lived and worked. As the owner of such a customs office, the chief tax collector of Jericho must have been something like a millionaire from today’s perspective.

And it is this millionaire, who is also known for being small in stature, wants to see Jesus today! No obstacle will keep him from this; he, the rich chief tax collector, climbs up a tree like a child and waits!

And indeed, Jesus sees Zacchaeus and invites himself over to his home. It is a MUST that Jesus shows up at his home today. Why? What is Jesus’s mission? Read Luke 19:10 to find this out.

Jesus doesn’t force himself on anyone. But wherever you open yourself to him, a change in your situation can take place.

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Luke 5:31-32

Relevant Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

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